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Discussing Refugees and Other Global Issues

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Right now the world faces many different refugee crisis situations. Trying to describe these topics to our kids can pose a unique challenge. Personally, I like to try and be as honest as possible while painting the situation in broad strokes so my daughter doesn't feel either overwhelmed, confused, or sad/anxious.

Our new book will include the topic of refugees, and will present it in the midst of an adventure story. We hope this will allow children the chance to relate to the characters, and plant a seed of compassion for when the next generation comprises our policy makers.

What are your tips?

New Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1

Books are great conversation starters - providing the opportunity to have honest and age-appropriate discussions. I am so excited to read and share your story!

joysunbear reacted
Active Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5

Thank you for your valuable feedback Julie! Yes, we definitely agree that books are a great platform to teach children of all ages. There are so many wonderful books out there that help children understand some difficult concepts through relatable characters and situations. We truly hope that our book can be one of those resources for parents, educators and kids.

Thank you for your kind words and support! We hope that our book can empower children to be aware of their own strength and choice in what they do. We also hope that it helps them learn to feel compassion over judgement for someone who may be different. Through discussing global issues like refugees and deforestation with characters and a story they can enjoy an relate to, we hope to show them that we are all connected and need to help each other to make a difference. 🙂

This post was modified 7 years ago by joysunbear


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